Welcome to my First Post!!
So I decided that the whole written journal idea didn't work. Pity - I was hoping that it would allow me to organize my thoughts and review them whenever I felt necessary. I discovered, however, that I type much faster than I handwrite.
I got this idea today after reading the blog of my friend Josh. He actually has two of these that he updates from time to time. Hopefully, this will be a more successful version of my journal.
Please do not let the title fool you into thinking I have become some morbid poet. The title "Flickering Lights on Cave Walls" and caveshadows.blogspot.com come frome a philosophical principal created by Plato. I will spare you the details of this principal (for now); however I will let you know that it has to do with an idea that a Human cannot possibly understand completely the world around him. He is forever "bound" to only see flickering glimpses of reality and thought (the cave wall), which he perceives as the "true" universe, the so called "way of things."
However, if he could somehow unravel the ties that bind him - such as his environment, social pressure, or simply the limits of his own psyche, then perhaps our curious observer could turn around and discover the true source of these flickering shadows - the fire that burns behind him.
That is basically what I hope this tool will do - allow me to sift through the thoughts that lay within my own mind, and derive their meaning; or, at the very least, express them somehow before they grow stagnant.
I will post a few blogs tonight, and will hopefully keep up with this tool. If you are compelled to respond to me, please contact me at grandallgray@sbcglobal.net or AIM me at shelbygray01.
S.R. Gray
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