Monday, August 22, 2005


I just returned from a week long expedition to Tennessee, where I was helping my friend Lindsay and her new husband, Brent, move to their new apartment. They are living there because Brent is a student at UT Knoxville. It is really fairy tale, their whole relationship.

But this blog is about me, no them, so I shan't bore you any longer with their life story. It is me who we are focusing on, ok? (Linz and Brent - don't take it personally, you know I love ya'll!).

So a trip like that, which involves 2 separate 12+ hour drives, hours moving things out of a moving van, sleeping on a couch in a living room, etc., one can expect to do quite a bit of soul searching, self analysis, mental housekeeping, etc. And I did....

Some of the things I found about myself I like, some I dislike and hope to change. Some are things I knew already, but am just now building the courage to face, confront, and solve. For the next few entries, the blog will mainly be about my findings this week. Don't get me wrong - I have a few other things to talk about, which are completely different from these happenings - but I will warn you, my faithful reader, which post pertains to the TN trip. I will also let you know when I am finished with all this.

So be ready to read - some of this will definitely be essay form, and not short, 30 minute essay test either.


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