Monday, January 31, 2005

Mind and Soul

Let us assume that modern neuroscience developed a machine that could successfully map the electrical patterns in the brain that cause memory and consciousness. However, the map is not the only limit. The machine that has been developed is also capable of simulating these patterns digitally (or with organic components, if you really want to get your mind going), so much to the point that they have essentially "copied" your braing patterns.

There now seems to exist, for a moment in time, two identical copies of the machine that drives your consciousness. However, from the moment of the simulation, the new brain waves begin to experience their own thoughts and occurrences.

What does this mean for a) the soul, and b)existence as a whole?

Friday, January 28, 2005

Music Appreciation Students

Just got out of Music Appreciation about half an hour ago. I touched on this in a previous post, but I need to vent.

We were listening to music today, and a group of about 3-4 guys behind me were finding it difficult to make a joke about every little thing that happened.

For instance, one of the pieces we listened to was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Quite obvious the way they decided to amuse themselves here. We also discussed homogenic musical structure - everytime out professor mentioned the word, it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. Is it so hard at this stage in life to mature to a point where even if you find something amusing, you can keep quite while the rest of us pay attention and learn?

I honestly hope that the fraternity they are in (judging by their hats) has a party that gets them all expelled. I have a feeling they won't finish anyhow.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

Philosophy Club Number 1


I went to my first official meeting for philosophy club yesterday. The topic was not something I had a decent amount of knowledge or insight into, however it was my intention to contribute as much as possible to the discussion.

I found very quickly that, at present, I am SEVERELY outclassed by the members. The club seems, at the moment, to be a good area for philosophers to discuss the topics chosen by Prof. Bradshaw, the Dept. Chair.

However, most of the members are much more advanced than myself, and simply trying to keep up was challenging. There was an immense vocabulary, and even a specific syntax, used by the seasoned veterans of dialectic, that I am not accustomed to hearing or attempting to interpret. The seldom occasion that I had something to say, I immediately got out-logic-ed. It was like taking a 12 foot sailboat deepsee fishing - I would just get tossed around by the superior waves around me. The few times I felt that I might have been able to logically defend myself, we had already moved onto a new subject, and so my point was lost.

I have to assume that what seemed to me to be a jumbled mess of different intellects pulling each other different ways, with very little direction outside one's own necessity to prove his point, was merely an illusion. I think that I am simply not able to keep up at present time. I will, however, continue to attend with the hopes that I can contribute sometime down the road, as I grow past my philosophical larvael stage.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Week 2 of School

Been quite a while since I have posted - oh well, not gonna try to catch up.

I have begun classes again at UTA. Very exciting time for me. I am currently enrolled in an intro to philosophy class (for philosophy majors), ethics, Astronomy I and Music Appreciation. The philosophy classes are outstanding. The intro class is very good for a newbie like myself - I look forward to the arguments I am sure to start when I get better acclimated to the situation. I thank Heavens that the class is not taught out of a pure textbook - we are instead using actual texts from actual philosophers - imagine that - using actual philosophy to learn about philosophy. Take it, TCC.

As for ethics, another bright point for the semester - I look very forward to the class, mostly because I have picked out a few people who seem more than willing to get into friendly debate with the instructor - this will take the pressure off of me to always find something pertinent to argue about, so that instead I can focus on the material, process etc. Also, the instructor seems quite capable of playing devil's advocate (as he did today on behalf of the text's author). If one plans to present an argument, it had best be both valid and sound (two important terms that I needs to cement into my vocabulary).

Music Appreciation, my fine arts credit, would be a terrific class, if not for the fact that the entire purpose for this course is to provide a simple credit for students who have no interest in fine arts. I often wish I were qualified to sing at the college level - I have little interest in trying to enjoy our history's music with a room full of insipid students who have absolutely no interest in music that lasts more than the radio requisitional 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Oh well - at least the class inspired me to purchase a new Stravinsky CD - The Firebird, his last important ballet. The piece is phenomenal.

As for Astronomy I. Shoot me. I absolutely abhor planetary astronomy. This is a science that should be classified as geology (at best, astronomical geology). I could absolutely care less about the diameter of Pluto compared to the Sun, or how many masses of Earth could Jupiter hold? The class is going to be a semester of useless planetary facts, one or two studies on the cellestial sphere and a brief talk about the sun (nothing interesting, such as the physics involved in burning the sun, just how big is He?) I should have known better than to take Astro II first - I have nothing to look forward to. Further, this will be another class of Business School or Nursing School pupils who just want to get an easy 8 hours and move right through. Curse me for enjoying the subjects which have been dumbed down for others.

Anyhow - lots of work to do - I will be demanding good marks for myself this semester - I really want to get out of academic probation. Off to study I go!